The Virginian
News & Events
Lunch & Learn at The Virginian

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Lunch & Learn at The Virginian

Join us on October 15th for a Lunch & Learn event at The Virginian. We are excited for you to see all the incredible updates we’ve made as part of our stunning community-wide renovation. Enjoy a delicious lunch on us, and get a chance to explore what our beautifully renovated community has to offer - including 5 new dining venues, renovated residences, and a brand-new wellness center.

When: Tuesday, October 15th at 11am

Where: The Virginian | 9229 Arlington Blvd. Fairfax, VA 22031


This event is full. Please call (703) 385-9229 to schedule an appointment.

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Choice. Flexibility. Control. You'll find it all in The Virginian.

So, talk with one of our Lifestyle Counselors today at 703-385-9229.

9229 Arlington Blvd. | Fairfax, VA | 22031