Choice. Flexibility. Control. You'll find it all in The Virginian.
So, talk with one of our Lifestyle Counselors today at 703-385-9229.
9229 Arlington Blvd. | Fairfax, VA | 22031
The Search for Silver Linings
Caring for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease is physically and mentally demanding. As a caregiver, it’s important to take care of yourself during this time to avoid fatigue.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to simply take an hour or two a week to do something you enjoy. Ask a family member or friend to come sit with your loved one so you can have a break, or contact a life plan community to learn about respite care services.
Another way to help avoid caregiver stress is to search for silver linings and bits of joy along this journey with your loved one.
As you watch your loved one seemingly disappear into such a debilitating disease, it’s hard to find any semblance of positivity. For your own sanity, though, it’s essential to search.
An Example
A dutiful husband is caring for his wife, who has Alzheimer’s disease. Their adult daughter was always very close with her mom and had an emotionally distanced relationship with her father. The experience of working together to care for their loved one has brought the daughter and father closer together. This was unexpected but she’s grateful and sees this as a silver lining.
For family members and spouses, caregiver burnout is very real, but it can be avoided. Focusing on your loved one’s happiness can bring you joy, too, so create moments of happiness for you both. Making them smile or laugh goes a long way toward healing your own heart in the process.
To learn more about caregiver burnout and respite care services, reach out online or call The Virginian today.
Choice. Flexibility. Control. You'll find it all in The Virginian.
So, talk with one of our Lifestyle Counselors today at 703-385-9229.
9229 Arlington Blvd. | Fairfax, VA | 22031