The Virginian

  • The Virginian Please Share Your Thoughts With Us

Please Share Your Thoughts With Us

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Your opinion means the world to us, so we would appreciate hearing your firsthand perspective of The Virginian. You can share your thoughts on our recent renovations, a memorable staff member, or what life at The Virginian has meant for you.  

Posting a review is quick and easy, and it could help prospective residents get a feel for what our community has to offer when they hear from people who live here, as well as their family members, visitors, and staff. 

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  • Go to Google Maps by logging onto and search “The Virginian Retirement Community”.
  • Underneath “The Virginian”, click on “Reviews”.
  • Underneath “The Star Rating”, click on “Write A Review”.
  • This will allow you to contribute/select your own star rating and write a review. When prompted sign into your account. To post a review without a google account, click on “Create Account” and choose “For My Personal Use”. Enter in your name, birthday, and gender. On the following page, click “Use Your Existing Mail”. Enter your email address and the verification code sent to your email.
  • Write your review and upload any relevant images if you’d like. Then hit “Publish”.

See what others are saying!

The Virginian is the most beautiful and peaceful senior living facility. The staff are caring, and it shows in the faces of the residence. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for a safe and comfortable home for their loved ones. I would give it 10 stars!

Jenny S.

An awesome upgrade, and the food is excellent. Staff is super friendly.

Billy H.

Truly wonderful place for your parents. The staff truly cares about the residents and the sense of community when you're there is something special. Highly recommend

Dan A.

My parents are in Independent Living there, and absolutely love it! The staff is so wonderful! My Dad quickly made friends with whom he plays poker weekly. My Mom is very social and wants a lot of interaction, and doesn't miss an activity. I was worried in the beginning because my mom didn't want to leave her home of 40 years, but now without the stress of taking care of the house, she's more relaxed, happy, and active in the community there.

Google Review

The Virginian offers a top-notch retirement experience with luxurious amenities and exquisite dining options. The recent remodel showcases a stunning modern aesthetic, elevating the community's appeal. Highly recommended for those seeking a refined and comfortable retirement lifestyle. Jenna Ballard provided an exceptional tour of The Virginian, offering invaluable insights for our future planning. Her knowledge and attention to detail made our experience truly enjoyable and informative. We're grateful for her expertise and highly recommend her for anyone considering this retirement community.

Sandy D.

My dad moved in to this places after viewing 4 other senior communities in the area. The Virginian had the most knowledgeable and professional staff of all the communities we visited and that made us feel the most comfortable with the decision for him to live here. It also gave us peace of mind knowing it had been there for decades and is currently being completely modernized.

Stephen C.

The Virginian is the best community! We looked at many places for my grandmother. We relocated her and found this place to have everything we could possibly need...

Janet C.