Choice. Flexibility. Control. You'll find it all in The Virginian.
So, talk with one of our Lifestyle Counselors today at 703-385-9229.
9229 Arlington Blvd. | Fairfax, VA | 22031
If there is one goal we all aspire to, it would be to live a long, healthy, and happy life. And while there may not be a road map or an instruction manual that will get us there, a recent article in Authority Magazine has at least given us a list of the five things we can aim towards to accomplish that goal, courtesy of The Virginian’s own Fitness and Wellness Manager Maria Lenor Malca.
In the article by Sergio P. Clemente, Maria is interviewed in depth on her extensive background in health and fitness and the many influences that helped to steer her on her path to self-discovery and her unwavering commitment to improving the health and well-being of the older adults she works with at The Virginian.
In fact, it was the people that she works with at The Virginian that inspired her to recently become certified in PWR!Move (Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery), a cutting-edge Parkinson’s disease-specific exercise program that has shown great promise in helping to slow disease progression, improve symptoms, restore function, and increase longevity and quality of life.
Along with telling Maria’s story and promoting the importance of fitness in all our lives,the article explains in some detail what we can all do to live a longer, healthier, and happier life. It is a very informative and hopefully life-changing read. And we invite you to read here.
Choice. Flexibility. Control. You'll find it all in The Virginian.
So, talk with one of our Lifestyle Counselors today at 703-385-9229.
9229 Arlington Blvd. | Fairfax, VA | 22031