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CBS DC News Features The Virginian’s New Dog Therapy Program

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CBS DC News Features The Virginian’s New Dog Therapy Program

CBS DC news recently featured a video segment on a new pet therapy program at The Virginian Senior Living Community in Fairfax, Virginia. The program, specifically catered towards those managing Alzheimer's Disease or related dementia, gives residents the opportunity to interact with pets and enjoy the calming effect and socializing the four-legged friends provide.  In honor of The Longest Day, an annual campaign for Alzheimer’s awareness that takes place on the Summer Solstice, residents walked around the campus with the pets, having the opportunity to support their own cause and enjoy the fresh air.


Rosie, Peter, Clint, and Leyla were some of the furry friends who joined the event, courtesy of the Maryland-based nonprofit Pets on Wheels.






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